First actual post, and it's an exercise in conciseness. I've got fifteen minutes until my self imposed lights out at 12:30, and I'm gonna write about a longer, but still short amount of time. Now I've got 12 minutes.
My domestic partner and I may be separating. I say it that way for a reason, we are not gay, but have shared each others company for nearly five years now. We're best friends and have never once had a legitimate fight while living together. Never. But alas, he is nearly done with his extensive schooling, and in three short months will be seeking employment. Such endeavors may take him far, to places I may not wish to go myself, and so separation could be on the horizon.
I've been called a robot, I was called a robot today actually. And separation I am used to, we all deal with it on occasion. If we go on differing paths I will function just fine, but I am not a robot and living without that camaraderie will be a motherfucker. I've got two minutes left.
He and I are an oddity, everyone hates their roommates it seems. We thrive on each others wit and humor. There is an ebb and flow to our bond, but the water line has never dropped.
It will be sad if at some point in the future we look back at our friendship and can see a high watermark.
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